What to look for
in personal training in York
We’re so lucky in today’s age to have a huge variety of choice in pretty much anything we require and personal training is one of them. But how do you choose the right one for you?
In this run down we’ll explain how not all personal trainers or facilities are the same. Get it wrong and you could spend a lot of money on not a lot. But get it right and it can hit your goals square on and even change your life, seriously!
So what has this personal trainer done? What have they experienced? And can they show you what they are capable of producing with a client.
If you do your research well on 90% of potential personal trainers you’ll notice that the work they have produced on a client are mediocre at best. Today the qualification to become a personal trainer is very basic. Sadly this means that the industry is filled with poorly trained and misguided individuals. The true aspect you should be searching for with any individual is do they have enough experience? This is experience on different methods of getting results and have they worked on enough people to know what really gets the best from everyone who walk through their gym door.
Finally, what’s their proof? Testimonials and before and afters are the bread and butter of showing off what you’re worth. Sadly York has few facilities which can show off how they transform people, we however take pride in how many transformations we produce and the first thing clients see when they walk through our doors is a wall full of them.
This is a super simple point. Do you bond well with the trainer? There has to be a fantastic relationship between the trainer and client. You work together and you communicate together. We have an average of 3-5 years with each client we work with and even some are going 8-10 years strong. The national average of client to personal trainer relationships last no more than 3-6 months.
Ask around if anyone you know has experience with the personal trainer in question and get an idea if you’d work great as a duo.
Gyms, studios and outdoor facilities are all easily available to us in York. But which one should you choose. Well in all honestly it just depends on what you prefer. York has many muscle bound style gyms which is great for heavy equipment to use but can often be intimidating to most.
Outdoor classes in York are great for those who love nothing more than training in the fresh air and obviously they have a large area to work in. They are also great for the summer time and catching the sun rays as you train. The down side however is the lack of equipment available. Dumbbells, barbells and other body transforming bits of kit will be harder to get down to these places.
Studios in our opinion are not only the premium of all facilities but also the most private. They are often the most selective in what they have inside meaning the kit they have is the stuff that really matters rather than equipment which takes up dead space. That’s why we have always chosen to stay as a studio and not upscale to a gym. We stay much more private, our studio is the perfect size for one to one personal training as well as more than accommodating for boot camps and what’s even better is we have a roller shutter door which means we can mix between inside and outside without worrying about lack of equipment and still catch those sun rays.
Support is the backbone of keeping clients on track at all times. A gym will give you often little to no support when training on your own. The best scenarios in this case would be to join with a friend and give each other mutual support by yourselves. If you have a personal trainer in a gym then they should give the support when needed but getting any from other members is often zero.
A studio on the other hand can work as a close knit team. The support will definitely come from the trainers as their time is 100% dedicated to the clients and not taken up with gym rotor jobs. The other clients too will have been through what you’re going through now. They’ll want nothing more than to see you succeed as much as the trainer does. At Definition we work as a team so no one ever feels like they’re on their own.
These might seem like fairly minor points but the more we speak to people the more we realise that they really do matter.
A huge point which always gets overlooked is car park space. If your gym is based in the centre of York then you have to think about paying for a car park with every visit.
What time of day do you want to train? Not everyone works the same hours so make sure the trainer is available for when you need them.
These are just some of the minor points as to why we prefer to stay as a studio. There’s plenty of free parking in our car park and we don’t deal with gym administration jobs which will only just take away precious hours with our clients.
We hope this has helped you choose the right facility, gym and personal trainer for you in York. There’s plenty of choice but not everyone is equal.
Definition team